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How to Identify Leadership Potential Within Your Office

How to Identify Leadership Potential Within Your OfficeStandout employees can play a major role in shaping your office for the better. When you’re able to identify leaders at work, you can slowly put these individuals in a position where they can thrive and influence others. However, just because a person is competent or skilled at their job, doesn’t necessarily mean that they have the characteristics of a leader. Here are some key signs that one of your team members has the makings of a leader:

They keep going even when things get tough

It’s easy to be a good employee when business is good and assignments are fun. Real leaders become evident when things are tough and it’s time to get down to work. The next time you get stuck with a tight deadline or encounter a sticky situation with a client, look at how your employees react. The people who are willing to come up with a plan and put in the extra hours to execute it are probably those with leadership skills.

They have good morals

Character is a major part of leadership. Employees who constantly steal ideas, throw their colleagues under the bus, or cut corners whenever possible are probably not the ones you want in a leadership role. Instead, look for the people who fess up when they make a mistake, give credit where it’s due, or ask for help when they need it.

They get along with others

One person can truly influence the chemistry within an office, so a good leader has to be able to get along with a variety of personality types. In order to identify a leader within your office, look for the person who tries to get along with various people. With that said, when you’re in a leadership role you can’t be too caught up in making friends, as this can negatively influence your ability to make business decisions. The ideal leader will treat his colleagues with respect and will value everyone’s opinions, but won’t necessarily be out drinking with them on the weekends.

When you identify someone with real leadership potential, do what you can to foster this, as dedicated leaders are hard to come by and should be valued. Encourage them to take a bigger role in group projects, and don’t be afraid to offer them positive words about their potential and abilities.

Image: Wavebreak Media Ltd/

Lauren Levine

Lauren Levine is a copywriter/blogger who contributes to a number of magazines and websites including The Frisky, USA Today, and others. She also authors her own blog called Life with Lauren. She loves cooking, anything on the E! network, and is trying to convince herself that running isn't so bad.