Human Resources Blog - Spark Hire
The Recruiting Reel with Rikka Brandon

The Recruiting Reel Episode 1: How to Attract Qualified Job Applicants

Here’s the transcript of the episode:

Josh Tolan: My name is Josh Tolan and I’m the CEO of Spark Hire, the leading video interviewing platform used by thousands of organizations around the world.

And this is The Recruiting Reel, a video series where we discuss real recruiting challenges with prominent recruiting experts to provide you with actionable tips you can apply to your own recruiting.

Today’s show features Rikka Brandon, a recruitment consultant, who helps entrepreneurs build amazing teams. Rikka has tons of real-world recruiting experience from her time with Kelly Services, to being the Chief Recruitment Officer at Building Gurus, and in her current role which you can learn more about at

For the inaugural episode, we’re focusing on how to attract qualified job applicants for your open positions. This is a recruiting challenge that almost every company can relate to and Rikka has some great advice to help you improve in this area. Take it away, Rikka!

Rikka Brandon: I’m Rikka from! I think one of the greatest challenges facing people who are trying to hire today is the lack of qualified applications. I have three tips to share with you that will help you get more qualified applicants for your job opening.

Tip 1: Use a job ad

The first tip is to use a job ad when posting your job online; NOT a job description. A job description is really clear about the duties, responsibilities, and requirements of the position. These are all very important, however, they’re not the best tool for attracting and inspiring the right people to apply for your opening. It’s best to use a job ad!

Tip 2: WIIFM

My second tip ties into the first one and it is remember WIIFM; What’s in it for me? You should always read your job ad and thinking about your communications with the “What’s in it for me?” aspect that candidates will be looking at it with. As a candidate is trying to decide if your company is some place where they want to work, they’re going to have that filter on. What’s in it for me? Why is this a great opportunity? Why do I want to work for this company?

Tip 3: Post your job in at least three places

The third and final tip is to post your greatly written job ad in at least three places to ensure you’re getting the right message in front of the right people at the right time.

Follow these three tips and you’re sure to get more qualified applicants interested in your job opening!

Josh Tolan: And there you have it! Three awesome tips on how to attract qualified job applicants for your open positions. My personal favorite is tip #1 as there is a big difference between a job ad and a job description. Remember, recruitment is marketing and sales. If you were trying to attract qualified leads for your business, you’d write compelling marketing and sales copy. It’s no different when you’re trying to attract qualified job applicants.

I want to thank Rikka Brandon for being the featured expert on our show today. I encourage you guys to visit for more information on her background along with the recruitment services she provides. You can also follow her on Twitter, @RikkaBrandon.

Thanks for watching The Recruiting Reel and stay tuned for more episodes. For additional HR and recruiting content, head over to and subscribe to our newsletter. Also, follow us on Twitter, @sparkhire. And subscribe to our YouTube channel to be the first to know about the newest episodes of The Recruiting Reel.

Happy recruiting!

Josh Tolan

Josh Tolan is the Founder and CEO of Spark Hire, a video interviewing platform used by 6,000+ customers in over 100 countries.