Fireworks are arguably one of the most exciting spectacles of summer. People with varying backgrounds from all over drive for miles, sometimes hours, just to see the bright, bursting flashes in the sky.
Job seekers are looking for the same thing in employers. The kind who deserve a good ol’ fashioned “oh” and “ah” when looking at their career site, job postings, and current team members. However, with so many perks and benefits flashing out in the hiring process, it’s difficult to make your company stand out in a crowd.
If you want to show job seekers your company is a firecracker, check out what these recruiting experts have to say:
Make your brand exciting
We have hundreds of local companies underneath our organizational name — so brand awareness is crucial. In addition, the construction industry is not as ‘sexy’ as other fields, so we have to go out of our way to showcase our strengths.
We show our company as a firecracker via our social media – consistently posting content ranging from employee photos at events, our involvement in community service, cool projects and more. I make a big effort to create, curate, post and share fun content – we do fun takes on holidays and special days and much more.
For example, for national donut day, I made an image for Oldcastle replacing the O in our name with a donut image. Does this have anything to do with construction? No. But, I angled it to job seekers by adding the tag, “Looking for a sweet place to work?”
This post got a great deal of engagement. In addition, we consider our strategy a long term play. So, while you may not get candidates immediately, you are setting the stage to increase exposure of your brand and business over time.
— Kyra Mancine, Social Media Specialist, Oldcastle
Know what Google is saying about you
We are constantly Googling ourselves to see what others would see. The goal is to get numerous references about our company to pop-up on Google. To do this, we strive to gain award recognition, earned media posts, and self-published articles.
It is so rewarding when a potential hire has done their homework and Googled our company only to be overwhelmed by all the listings. I have had multiple new hires and new clients comment on when they Googled us, they just kept reading and reading. This made them feel “excited to work for such a great company.” Their words, not mine.
This build-out on Google provides us with third party validation, added credibility, and true transparence. People gain a real take on our company, our history and a feeling for our culture even before they come in to interview or consider us as a vendor or partner.
Google: Flottman Company and see what I mean!
— Ed McMasters, Director of Marketing and Communications, Flottman Company, Inc.
Offer a sense of purpose
Nia is the Swahili word for “intention” and “purpose.” My company is devoted to investing with purpose and to changing the face of finance.
I find that the large companies can offer big salaries, and yet most employees are seeking to have a sense of purpose and to contribute to something larger than themselves and their own paycheck.
To profit from purpose is essential to being an outstanding place to work. For a job seeker to see this, you must present company environment, culture, and practices as big parts of your outstanding workplace.
Job seekers are attracted to Nia because of our mission. They are excited to be a part of big financial change and part of reaching our goals. By talking about our mission, job seekers understand we are taking on big challenges, and being creative about the way we go about our business.
— Kristin Hull, PhD, Founder & CEO, Nia Global Solutions
Position yourself as an industry leader
All good companies know that attracting and retaining top talent can give them the edge they need in today’s competitive business landscape. Despite the increasingly competitive business world, there are ways in which your company can stand out amongst the rest.
To attract potential job seekers you need to position the company as a market leader. Demonstrate your legitimacy by leveraging key client logos in your recruiting process as well as highlight the number of reps making and exceeding quota.
It’s also important to create a strong career track. To encourage top talent to join your company rather than a competitor’s, you need to offer prospective candidates more than a better job. Job seekers want to know that you will provide the support necessary for them to build extensive sales portfolios.
— Taylor Dumouchel, HR and Career Expert, Peak Sales Recruiting
What are some ways you should show job seekers your company is a firecracker? Let us know!