The battle for talent is raging on, therefore, it’s important that staffing companies utilize readily available technologies in order to best acquire top-notch talent for their clients. Video interviews enable staffing and recruiting professionals to quickly, yet efficiently, connect with candidates.
Spark Hire’s infographic, 6 Tips for Using Video Interviews for Staffing Success, details the various ways in which video interviewing technology can help staffing professionals deliver great talent that their clients will love.
Strategies discussed in the infographic include:
- Using one-way video interviews to quickly screen through candidates and determine cultural fit
- Sharing recorded video interviews with clients to keep them in the loop regarding potential hires
- Branding your staffing firm as innovative to attract candidates and gain a competitive edge
Video interviews are an essential tool for staffing professionals looking to make connections with only the best talent out there to help their clients make the right hire every time.