It’s obvious that a high turnover rate isn’t too great for a company, but do you know how it negatively affects your remaining employees? When you have employees that are constantly coming and going from your company- meaning your employees are quitting and not being fired- then it can mean serious trouble for the health of your company and its culture. Spark Hire’s podcast from this week focuses on this.
We also take a look at 3 great ways employers can catch a video resume fib. With thousands upon thousands of people trying to find a job in this market, you are bound to run into a job seeker that lies on their resume and in their video resume. In fact, 46 percent of resumes have at least some fabrication. With a percentage that high, you need to be on your guard. Listen in to this week’s podcast to learn how you can be on the lookout for lying candidates.
Articles Covered
How a High Turnover Rate Impacts Your Employees
3 Ways to Catch a Video Resume Fib
The official podcast of Spark Hire. Discussing news and topics for job seekers and human resources professionals.
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HOST – Nicole Nicholson (Content Editor at Spark Hire)
ALSO – Patrick Beggan (Marketing Assistant at Spark Hire)