If you want to hire the right people for your organization, you need to make sure you’re getting your open positions in front of the right talent pool. New technology, such as video interviews, enables recruiters and hiring professionals to more easily connect with the right candidates on the social media platforms that they frequent or at networking events.
Below are a few ways using video interviews can help you ensure that potential hires know you’re looking for great talent like them:
Easily promote job openings
Video interviewing invites are highly shareable, therefore, you’ll have no trouble convincing candidates with varying talents and skillsets to interview for positions at your company. By including an invitation link when posting on social media, discussion groups, or industry-specific online chats, you can easily promote your positions and expand your candidate pool.
Appeal to tech-savvy candidates
In order to attract the tech-savvy talent that you need to grow your business, you’ll need to speak their language. Using video interviews as part of your hiring process will show interested candidates that your organization is the kind that embraces new technology and thinks outside of the box.
Better connect with passive talent
Passive talent is highly sought-after because they already have the skills and experience that organizations may be looking for in potential employees. However, connecting with passive talent is no easy feat. It can be hard enough to convince them to come in for an in-person interview, but coordinating schedules can be impossible. The video interview helps both parties to avoid headaches from scheduling conflicts and makes your open positions more attractive to the passive candidate.
Your passive candidate will only need their webcam or mobile device to complete a one-way interview and they can do it from the comfort of their own home after a long day at work. By making it simple and less-time consuming to connect, you’ll widen your candidate pool to include top-notch passive candidates looking to take advantage of new opportunities.
You may still face some difficulty when trying to reach all the right people that you want, especially if you’re hiring for a highly specific position in a competitive job market. However, video interviews give you the power to battle these obstacles head on and better your chances of coming out on top.
Learn about more ways video interviewing can help you make smarter hiring decisions from our free whitepaper, “Finding the Best and Avoiding the Worst in a Video Interview”!
Image: AndreyPopov/BigStock.com